If Someone Spits On You Can You Hit Them

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If Someone Spits on You, Can You Hit Them?

This is a question that many people have asked themselves at one point or another. The answer, unfortunately, is not always clear-cut. There are many factors to consider, such as the circumstances surrounding the spitting, the relationship between the parties involved, and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the incident occurs.

In general, however, it is not advisable to hit someone who has spit on you. Spitting is considered to be an assault in most jurisdictions, and hitting someone in response could be considered self-defense. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you are in fear of imminent harm, you may be justified in using force to protect yourself.


Self-defense is a legal defense that allows a person to use force to protect themselves from harm. In order to claim self-defense, you must be able to show that you were in imminent danger of being harmed, that you used reasonable force, and that you did not provoke the attack.

In the case of spitting, it may be difficult to argue that you were in imminent danger of being harmed. However, if the spitting was accompanied by other threatening behavior, such as verbal threats or physical gestures, you may be able to claim self-defense.

Duty to Retreat

In most jurisdictions, there is a duty to retreat before using force in self-defense. This means that you must make every reasonable effort to avoid a confrontation before resorting to violence.

In the case of spitting, it is not always possible to retreat. For example, if you are in a crowded place or if the person who spat on you is blocking your way, you may not be able to get away. In these cases, you may be justified in using force to protect yourself.

Reasonable Force

If you are going to use force in self-defense, you must use reasonable force. This means that you must use only the amount of force that is necessary to protect yourself from harm.

In the case of spitting, this may mean shoving the person away or using a pepper spray. However, you should not use deadly force, such as a gun or a knife, unless you are in fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm.


If someone spits on you, it is important to remain calm and assess the situation. If you are in fear of imminent harm, you may be justified in using self-defense. However, you should always try to avoid a confrontation if possible.

If you are not sure whether or not you were justified in using force in self-defense, you should contact a lawyer.


Q: What is the definition of assault?

A: Assault is any intentional act that creates a reasonable apprehension of imminent harm.

Q: What is the difference between assault and battery?

A: Assault is the threat of harm, while battery is the actual infliction of harm.

Q: What are the elements of self-defense?

A: The elements of self-defense are imminent danger, reasonable force, and no provocation.

Q: What is the duty to retreat?

A: The duty to retreat is the obligation to avoid a confrontation before using force in self-defense.

Q: What is reasonable force?

A: Reasonable force is the amount of force that is necessary to protect yourself from harm.

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The Person That Spits Fire (@the_spits) | Twitter Nov 3, 2022If someone punches you, you can’t pull out a deadly weapon like a gun and shoot them (well, you can, but a police officer will likely arrest you for aggravated assault). You can only use the amount of force necessary to eliminate the threat of harm to you. You cannot rely on self-defense if you are the initial aggressor.

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